Tune in today, Saturday, at 4 pm Pacific, 7 pm Eastern when hosts Susan Fox and Gene Turnbow welcome producer, screenwriter and fantasy author Frank Zanca to discuss his upcoming graphic novel, Lords of LA
Tune in today, Saturday, at 4 pm Pacific, 7 pm Eastern when hosts Susan Fox and Gene Turnbow welcome producer, screenwriter and fantasy author Frank Zanca to discuss his upcoming graphic novel, Lords of LA
“I don’t always violate the Prime Directive … oh, who am I kidding, of course I do.” — James T. Kirk
The groundbreaking composer died of May 17 of heart failure in a French hospital while being treated for COVID-19.
Russian Doll returns, applying its unique style to time travel & creating one crazy train that goes to unanticipated places.
“Time Boys” is a family friendly time travel movie about four brothers who “borrow” their father’s time machine.
Little did Peter Mayhew know that he would be using his remarkably long legs to step into the history books. He would have been 78 years old today.
The singing and acting legend Harry Belafonte has passed away of congestive heart failure at the age of 96.
Worlds collide in The Flash when Barry travels back in time in order to change the events of the past, with disastrous results.
Recently I spoke with Writer/Director Ted Nicolaou about his return to “Subspecies” with “Subspecies V: Blood Rise”.
I wouldn’t be conforming to acceptable standards if I wrote a review that recommended a different book. But in the spirit of the Wildcards, I am going to risk insubordination and do what I believe is best for everyone, in spite of what my superiors (er, editors) might say.