Bonnie Gordon – The Library Bards

“ is such a staple in our nerd culture. This company is the definition of supporting fellow nerds in the community. Amazing content and articles. You can tell that everyone who works there are there for the love of all things geeky and truly love what they do!”

– Bonnie Gordon “The Library Bards”

Bonnie Gordon and Xander Jeanerret travel the world performing as The Library Bards, one of the most popular singing groups known to fandom. Ms. Gordon features in Geek and Sundry’s Callisto 6 and Shield of Tomorrow. Mr. Jeanerret features in Geek and Sundry’s Game the Game and Relics and Rarities.

Science Fiction & Fantasy Author Lawrence M. Schoen

‘There’s no shortage of competition when it comes to content, which is why the real factor in a great listening experience comes down to curation. consistently delivers top notch speakers with compelling voices and original insights in the many worlds of science fiction. Fresh, intriguing, and always entertaining. ‘

— Dr. Lawrence M. Schoen

Lawrence M. Schoen holds a Ph.D. in cognitive psychology, been nominated for the Campbell, Hugo, and Nebula, awards, won the Cóyotl award for best novel of 2015, is a world authority on the Klingon language, operates the small press Paper Golem, is a hypnotherapist specializing in authors’ issues, and writes science fiction and fantasy about life, death, and the continua between the two.

Commander Bob – Victor Sierra

‘ from over the pond… Try to imagine this: We, Victor Sierra, a steampunk band from Paris whose songs are played on a radio from the mythical City of Angels!It was a dream come true when we heard from those fantastic people for the first time.And we did an interview as well… Man this was something quite big for us. A nice relationship was built then –  and believe me – is still stronger than ever.

Thanks guys.

— Commander Bob, Victor Sierra

Victor Sierra is a Paris-based steampunk band “born between two centuries”. The band’s music is a fusion of several genres, including steampunk, dieselpunk and retro-futurism trends. They created their sound independently of steampunk culture, but have become one of the music genres defining voices. They perform on stages in France and around the world.

Karen McCarthy, Producer / Director
Love in the Age of Steam 

‘Science Fiction and Fantasy creators and enthusiasts are this interesting tightly woven tapestry of people filled with passion and dedication to these unique genres that verges on the fanatical. There is a kind of camaraderie and excitement that you don’t see anywhere else, but you can see it at San Diego Comic Con, where I’m invited as a Professional Guest every year, and you’ll hear it on As an industry professional I enjoy listening to as do many of my colleagues and our fans. has captured the voice of those of us who proudly wear the mantle of nerd and geek, and love all things Science Fiction and Fantasy. supported my production of Love in the Age of Steam, a short Steampunk movie from early on, and as soon as we finished it, fans of the genre were contacting me and inviting us to show at a number of SteamFests and even to submit to film festivals as far away as Germany.

Coincidence? Maybe.

But there’s no denying that has the ear of many fans and the number just keeps growing. ‘

— Karen McCarthy, Writer / Producer / Director of Love in the Age of Steam