It’s Tiara Tuesday – on a Saturday!

The point of being an artist is to find new ways to express one’s creativity, and in so doing, touch people and communicate with them in ways they intuitively understand. Sara Felix is one such artist, and her work has struck a chord with sci-fi fandom.
Sara Felix works mainly in clay and resins. She designed the 2016 Hugo Award, and in 2018 designed the WSFS Young Adult Award, and co-designed the 2018 Hugo Award with Vincent Villafranca. She is the president of ASFA, the Association of Science Fiction and Fantasy Artists, who bestow the Chesleys each year. Her work can be seen at science fiction convention art shows all over the country.
Felix is also behind the surprising flurry of interest in what has become known in the Concellation 2021 group on Facebook as “Tiarra Tuesdays”, and has turned this interest into a new artistic expression in its own right.

Join us today and tomorrow at 4 pm Pacific / 7 pm Eastern today on for our chat with this remarkable artist.
The Event Horizon on – it’s Sci-fi for your Wi-fi.
Here’s the episode as it aired on May 29, 2021. We hope you enjoy this episode of The Event Horizon.
-30- is listener supported sci-fi geek culture radio, and operates almost exclusively via the generous contributions of our fans via our Patreon campaign. If you like, you can also use our tip jar and send us a little something to help support the many fine creatives that make this station possible.