Stan Lee sets Guinness world record for physically largest graphic novel ever made, an auction of “Romeo & Juliet: The War” benefited the John Wayne Cancer Institute.
Stan Lee sets Guinness world record for physically largest graphic novel ever made, an auction of “Romeo & Juliet: The War” benefited the John Wayne Cancer Institute.
The Library of Congress has acquired the personal papers of American astronomer, astrobiologist and science communicator Carl Sagan (1934-1996). A celebrated scientist, educator, television personality and prolific author, Sagan was a consummate communicator who bridged the gap between academe and popular culture.’s Video Of the Day!: Have you ever kissed a nerd… and liked it? Featuring rocking nerd improv group Damsels of Dorkington!
If ‘Man of Steel’ doesn’t do well, chances are pretty good the Justice League movie is toast. Read our editorial on why we think so.
Internet trolls spread their bile behind the protection of anonymity, and can follow you anywhere on the internet and out on the street. Now one woman in Sussex, England named Nicola Brookes is taking the fight to back to them, possibly right to their front doors.
When PBS discovered video mash-up artist John D. Boswell, aka melodysheep, on YouTube, they immediately wanted to work with him… enjoy this autotune of Mr. Rogers.
The new book features content only visible with a special included UV Kimoyo bead.
He died suddenly of a brain aneurysm yesterday, July 13, 2020.
The new series puts a band of clone troopers center stage, as they struggle to find their place in a post-Empire galaxy that no longer needs them.
Four great selections on Netflix for those of the geeky persuasion.