This evening’s edition of The Event Horizon is another episode about science fiction as literature. At 9 pm PST tonight, we’re talking to Lawrence M. Schoen, author of the popular Amazing Conroy series, the most recent installment of which is the novelette entitled Buffalogenesis.
Schoen’s book is part of a new wave of science fiction publishing, where books which gain enough public support are released to the public for free under the Creative Commons license. One of his publishers is Moozvine, and Buffalogenesis has raised $1720 of the $2020 the publisher has set as its threshold before it triggers its transformation as a Creative Commons work.
The bad news is that there are less than six full days left for it to generate another $300 for this to happen.
Buffalogenesis is the second (chronologically) tale in The Amazing Conroy series, which includes several more short stories, three Nebula-Award-nominated novellas, and two Buffalito novels. Moozvine is committed to offering up several more of these works for free, and the first story, Buffalo Dogs, is already available on the website as a free download. That means you can actually go and read that story at no cost and then decide if you liked it enough to want to invest a bit in making the next one available to the world.
If you miss the show this evening, it replays tomorrow, Sunday, September 12 at 4 pm PST, and at additional times throughout the coming week (though if you’re thinking about backing Lawrence’s book, there’s no time like the present).
The Event Horizon – it’s Sci-Fi for your Wifi.
In case you missed it – and since you’re reading this now, you probably did – here is the episode in its entirety. Enjoy.
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