Set in the Salvage Title universe, and published by Chris Kennedy Publishing, Smuggler’s Run is a novel by Christopher Woods and William Joseph Roberts. It’s a science fiction comedy, where everybody thinks somebody else is the sidekick.
Set in the Salvage Title universe, and published by Chris Kennedy Publishing, Smuggler’s Run is a novel by Christopher Woods and William Joseph Roberts. It’s a science fiction comedy, where everybody thinks somebody else is the sidekick.
The word’s biggest video game industry showcase returns virtually in 2021 with confirmed partners Nintendo, Xbox, Capcom, Konami, Ubisoft, Take-Two Interactive, Warner Bros. Games and Koch Media to participate.
It’s the ultimate collector’s item: Fabergé has created a Game of Thrones themed Fabergé egg.
The plan this time is not only to make more episodes, but to launch a virtual online theater so you can see Mystery Science Theater whenever you want.
The original owner of the Millenium Falcon is 84 today. Happy birthday, you old scoundrel.
Loki is extracted from the time stream and forced to fixed all the stuff he broke when he stole the Tesseract. Hilarity ensues.
The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, Inc. (SFWA) is pleased to announce the winners of the 57th Annual Nebula Awards®.
Jon Favreau and David Attenborough bring you ‘Prehistory Planet’, possibly the most immersive and realistic dinosaur show ever made.
Tune in today, Saturday, at 4 pm Pacific, 7 pm Eastern when hosts Susan Fox and Gene Turnbow welcome producer, screenwriter and fantasy author Frank Zanca to discuss his upcoming graphic novel, Lords of LA
“I don’t always violate the Prime Directive … oh, who am I kidding, of course I do.” — James T. Kirk