The newest installment in the Saw series with Chris Rock and Samuel L. Jackson is a cut above. Gareth von Kallenbach reviews.
The newest installment in the Saw series with Chris Rock and Samuel L. Jackson is a cut above. Gareth von Kallenbach reviews.
From Vaudeville to Star Trek, Lloyd did it all. He would quote things Chaplin, Hitchcock and Judd Apatow said to him – in the same sentence…
Grogu uses the force to move pinballs around the table in this new, breathtakingly expensive designer pinball machine.
A new retelling of an ancient legend of knighthood and fae horror. Watch the trailer.
A 21st Century grad student uses half-century old spacecraft to explore interstellar space, and makes an exciting discovery.
To celebrate the release of their latest album Imperfect Meridians, the band members Commander Bob, The Converted Princess Anouk, and The Big Machine invite you to join them for a free simulcast live concert on Facebook, Twitch, YouTube and this coming Saturday.
Andy from ‘A Toy Story’ was given a toy based on his favorite movie in 1995. ‘Lightyear’ is the movie upon which the toy was based.
Google AI Engineer Blake Lemoine believes the LaMDA project may be telling the truth when it tells him it believes it has a soul.
MayTree sings Sonic the Hedgehog — not the theme song from the movie, not a song about Sonic, but the actual entire first level of the original game.
Gazelle Automations continues its homage to Filmation’s animated Star Trek with this condensed episode from Star Trek: Voyager.