Natalie Nachan and the Chalkeaters bring some frivolous fun to the Christmas holiday in this cute, silly animated music video with some great music.

The Chalkeaters have been around for only about four years, posting their first music video on YouTube in 2019. It was the Mario meme song Bowsette, a real banger. They were also the folks behind the amazing Keanu Reeves tribute song and animated video Breathtaking, and naturally plays everything of theirs we can get our hands on. They have a Patreon campaign (with about the same patronage as ours) that keeps them going.

The Chalkeaters is an English-language musical group from Saint Petersburg, Russia that composes comedy songs about video games.

Musicians Alios, Ergy, and Tim Maslov founded the project in 2018. Later, Pondis, an artist, and Lenich, a video designer, joined the permanent lineup of the band. The music team became known online after releasing viral music video “Doom Crossing: Eternal Horizons” in 2020, which, as of November 2023, received over 60 million views on YouTube.

The Chalkeaters write songs of various genres and produce their own original animated videos mocking well-known game series, characters, and faces of the game industry. The band describes their work as “overproduced shitpost,” meaning they try to make goofy songs about Internet memes to the best possible quality. The Chalkeaters invite famous vocalists to their projects: Ellen McLain and Johnny Gioeli, as well as YouTube musicians Black Gryph0n and The Stupendium, have sung their songs.

The sheer joy of what they do comes out in everything they make.

We wish you the same joy for Christmas. Whatever you’re doing for the holidays, whichever one you celebrate, the theme is the same: be thankful for your friends and family, be with your loved ones, take solice in them and allow them to take solace in you. The world begins anew, and the future awaits with wonders if you keep your eyes and your heart open to them.

Happy holidays from See you on the flip side.


SCIFI Radio Staff
SCIFI Radio Staff is listener supported sci-fi geek culture radio, and operates almost exclusively via the generous contributions of our fans via our Patreon campaign. If you like, you can also use our tip jar and send us a little something to help support the many fine creatives that make this station possible.