Jeremy Renner is an award winning actor and singer best known for playing Hawkeye in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU. He has been nominated for two Oscars and one BAFTA. Most SciFi.Radio fans will remember that Renner was badly injured in a snowplow accident January 1, 2023, which broke thirty bones. He is now relearning to walk.
Said Renner in a post on Instagram:
“I have been exploring EVERY type of therapy since Jan 14th … everyday, countless hours of physical therapy, peptide injections, iv drips and pushes, stem cell and exosomes, red light / IR therapy, hyperbaric chamber 2.0 atmospheres, cold plunge, and the list goes on and on…. BUT
My greatest therapy has been my mind and the will to be here and push to recover and be better…. Be exceptional… I feel it’s my duty to do so. Not to squander my life being spared, but to give back to my family, friends, and all of you whom have empowered me to endure. I thank you all. #loveandtitanium.”
Learning to walk doesn’t sound that hard, does it? After all, babies do it every day. But relearning to walk as an adult is a very difficult task. In his story, “The Little Mermaid,” Hans Christian Andersen mentioned that every step the mermaid took was like dancing on knives. (I think Disney Studios left that line out of their movie, but anyone who’s endured months of physical therapy to relearn to walk can testify to the truth of that line.) My physical therapist, Katrina Walker, who taught me how to walk after my stroke, is a wonderful woman. If Mr. Renner’s therapists are half as good, he should continue healing. Ms. Walker says the main thing in a patient relearning to walk is the patient’s determination and persistence. Mr. Renner concurred with her, saying his “greatest therapy has been my mind and the will to be here and push to recover and be better…. Be exceptional.”

Mr. Renner is a single father. He shares custody of his daughter Ava with his ex-wife. The parental instinct is strong. When you see a child in danger, your child or someone else’s, you react. This past January, Jeremy Renner, saw his nephew in danger from a runaway snowplow. A real life hero, as well as a cinematic superhero, Renner, without thought of his own safety, attempted to stop or divert the snowplow to save his nephew’s life. Any parent would have done the same thing for any youngster, whether he was a relative or not. He saved the boy’s life, but at the cost of thirty broken bones, including his eye socket.
To hear the title song for Renner’s latest album, turn off the player and click on the link below.
Our DJs do take requests if you ask politely, if you want to hear songs from his other albums.
“I feel it’s my duty to do so,” he continued, referring to being ‘exceptional.’. “Not to squander my life being spared, but to give back to my family, friends, and all of you whom have empowered me to endure.”
We salute your determination and persistence, Mr. Renner. Speaking from personal experience2, I can tell you it’s never easy, but it does get easier. Keep going. We’ve got your back.
1 The hashtag #loveandtitanium refers to Jeremy Renner’s new music project titled “Love and Titanium.” This project is inspired by his near-fatal snowplow accident and his journey of recovery since January 1st of that year. The title “Love and Titanium” references Renner’s comment about losing a lot of flesh and bone in the accident but being refueled with love and titanium, possibly alluding to medical procedures involving titanium plates and screws in his recovery. While the exact details of the music project’s content and release date aren’t yet available, it is clear that “Love and Titanium” is a personal and meaningful project for Jeremy Renner, drawing inspiration from his life-altering accident and recovery journey.
2 Susan Macdonald is a two time stroke survivor. Her next book, THEY ENDURED, will be dedicated to her physical therapist, Katrina Walker.
Susan Macdonald is the author of the children's book "R is for Renaissance Faire", as well as 26 short stories, mostly fantasy in "Alternative Truths", "Swords and Sorceress #30", Swords &Sorceries Vols. 1, 2, & 5, "Cat Tails" "Under Western Stars", and "Knee-High Drummond and the Durango Kid". Her articles have appeared on's web site, in The Inquisitr, and in The Millington Star. She enjoys Renaissance Faires (see book above), science fiction conventions, Highland Games, and Native American pow-wows.