We’re the world’s only full time sci-fi fantasy radio station, so naturally we love us some Chalkeaters. Here is their latest music video. It’s a song called One More Pull, which tells the story of one Genshin Impact player’s battle with a gacha machine.

How many Primogems does it take to roll for your Genshin Impact’s waifu? Perhaps, one too many, but one more pull… not gonna hurt. Enjoy our original Genshin meme song and animation! And no, Hoyoverse didn’t sponsor it. Join Professor Chalk and his new companion Dr. Paimon – or Dr. Mihoyo – on their quest to pour all the wishes and intertwined fates into a dreadful gacha machine… likely to get another Qiqi or Bennett. Yellow glow, why don’t you shine down on me?

Black Gryh0n gives voice to Professor Chalk. The song was written by Alios, with arrangement by ErgyEnergy. The producer was Tim Maslov. Vocals were provided by BlackGryph0n and Rustage, with backup vocals by BlackGryph0n and NatalieNatchannel. Chalkeaters has an international audience, and this video has versions in Russian, German, Arabic, Spanic, Slovak, Czech, Dutch and Korean.

Visit the YouTube video for information on where to buy this track for your own collection. And of course, naturally, you’ll hear it on the SCIFI.radio playlists.


SCIFI Radio Staff
SCIFI Radio Staff

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