When you have the one full time geek culture radio station on the planet, you quickly learn who the fan favorites are. Here is one of them.

SongHammer is a Los Angeles based Warcraft hard rock/heavy metal band. Inspired by Blizzard Entertainment’s World of Warcraft, their songs are full of orcs, Horde legions and impossible foes. They began in 2010 when they saw the music competition at BlizzCon. Inspired, they entered the contest themselves in 2011 with their hit single We Are The Horde.

And won.

It’s been an epic saga of one musical conquest after another ever since.

Today’s offering is their new single Legion. SongHammer will be debuting this song at Blizzcon 2016 for Blizzard’s 25th Anniversary Celebration. This epic musical adventure features 15 professional cosplayers including BlizzCon Cosplay Competition winners. Indie film award winning director, Randy Van Dyke (Non-Stop To Comic-Con, 31 awards won) both directed and created all the amazing visual effects in this World of Warcraft inspired song and video.


The creative brainchild of Ben Stewart (ShredHammer) and Dustin Miller (CroonHammer), SongHammer draws its inspiration from worlds of online gaming, fantasy and unapologetically face-melting rock. Their music combines all these elements to create a style of music perfoect for PVP/PVE gamers, ComicCon fans, live-action roleplayers, and cosplayers around the globe. With the addition of guitarist Devanand Bassanoo (DeathHammer) and drummer Jose Perez (TimeHammer), SongHammer  is truly a force to be reckoned with!

Where do they draw their inspiration? According to ShredHammer in a recent interview, their inspiration comes from a variety of places.

It’s deeply rooted in fantasy like Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings, Potter, The Dresden Files, with some Sci-Fi like Frank Herbert’s Dune, Star Wars (the old cool ones), and Star Trek. Some new stuff like Hunger Games, Divergent, video games like World of Warcraft, Diablo, Call of Duty, the Smurf Adventure, Galaga, and pretty much comic books. Lots of comic books!!! If you’re talkin’ about music, well then, it’s all about classic rock, techno, metal, and disco! What else is there? We’re a orc slaying, epic rocking, up-armored force to be reckoned with.

Their concentration on World of Warcraft, though, gave them the focus they needed to become the truly epic band they are today. All of that is why SongHammer is one of the first bands SCIFI.radio looks to for the best in – what are we calling this? Let’s coin a term.


Let’s see if that sticks.

For a FREE download of Songhammer’s new single, Legion go to http://www.songhammer.com and click on the “free music” link. Here’s the link to the Blizzcon 2016 SongHammer Free Performance info.


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