Apex Magazine has launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund their 2023 issues. The campaign continues until August 26, allowing backers to buy a single issue or a subscription for the year 2023 at a discounted price. 

Upon funding, Apex Magazine promises stories from a star-studded cast of award-winning genre writers such as Jordan Kurella (I Never Liked YouWhen I Was Lost), Suyi Davies Okungbowa (Son of the StormWarrior of the Wind), Christopher Rowe (These Prisoning HillsThe Navigating Fox), Sarah Hollowell (A Dark and Starless Forest), Sara Tantlinger (To be DevouredNot All Monsters), and Aurelius Raines II (Luminescent Threads: Connections to Octavia ButlerBlack Power: A Superhero Anthology).

Apex Magazine is an industry leader in the science fiction and fantasy literary magazine world and is headed by co-editor-in-chief Jason Sizemore and his new co-editor-in-chief Lesley Conner. Marissa van Uden, Rebecca Schibler, ZZ Claybourne, and Maurice Broaddus work as additional editors for the bi-monthly publication.

The Kickstarter can be found here.

Apex Magazine is an online and digital zine of fantastical fiction publishing works over the last eleven years that is available in three forms: an every-other-month ebook edition, a free serialization of the issue’s content over a two-month period on their website, and a monthly podcast of narrated original short fiction.

[from a press release]


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