Robert Jordan’s Hugo-winning series The Wheel of Time has been a favorite with readers since the first book in the series was published over 30 years ago. Come November, a version of it will finally be available to view, on the Amazon Prime streaming service.
The Wheel of Time is an ambitious project. There were fourteen books in the series, the last three of which were published after Jordan’s death in 2007. Those three books were finished based on notes Jordan had left, and finished by Wheel of Time fan and fellow fantasy author Brian Sanderson. The result was a sweeping epic, some say second in popularity only to J.R.R. Tolkein’s Lord of the Rings.

“The Wheel of Time turns, and ages come and pass. Leaving memories that become legends. The power inside you … all over the world, there are different names for it. But it’s one thing. One power. And women who can touch it, we protect the world. No matter what happens, all the pain we face, the heartbreak, the wheel keeps turning. The dark one is coming for your friends. The last battle is coming. The only thing that matters is what you do. Whatever happens now, there’s no turning back.”
This looks like it should be an exciting series with something for everyone. Strong, powerful women characters. Brave fighters. Magic, danger, weaponry, choices, responsibility, consequences.
Who Are the Women in the Red Uniforms?
The Wheel of Time stars Golden Globe winner Rosamund Pike as Moiraine. She is an Aes Sedai, a member of an all female group of magic users who protect the world. They appear to be the women in red in the trailer. Pike was Bond Girl Miranda Frost to Pierce Brosnan‘s 007 in Die Another Day. She was Dr. Samantha Grimm in Doom and Andromeda in Wrath of the Titans.
Moiraine escorts a group of young people on an around-the-world journey, to see if one of them is the reincarnation of the Dragon, and if so, which one. The Dragon is prophesied to save or destroy the world. Given that it is her job to protect the world, I can imagine which she would prefer.
When and Where?
The first three episodes will debut on Friday, November 19, 2021 on Amazon Prime. The other five episodes will stream one week at a time until December 24, 2021, A second season of another eight episodes has already been approved.
German cinematographer Uta Brisewitz directed the first two episodes. The Wheel of Time features an international cast: Australian actress Madeleine Madden, American actor David Henney, Irish actor Michael McElhatton, and Spanish actor Álvaro Morte.
Are you looking forward to watching The Wheel of Time come November? Once you see it, share your opinion with us on Facebook or Twitter. We’d love to know what you think.
Susan Macdonald is the author of the children's book "R is for Renaissance Faire", as well as 26 short stories, mostly fantasy in "Alternative Truths", "Swords and Sorceress #30", Swords &Sorceries Vols. 1, 2, & 5, "Cat Tails" "Under Western Stars", and "Knee-High Drummond and the Durango Kid". Her articles have appeared on's web site, in The Inquisitr, and in The Millington Star. She enjoys Renaissance Faires (see book above), science fiction conventions, Highland Games, and Native American pow-wows.