Recently Gareth von Kallenbach of SKNR.NET got to sit down for an interview with with actor Ellen Hollman about her work on the upcoming motion pictures Matrix 4 and Army Of One. Here’s what happened:

How did you get into acting and what was your big break?

I found myself living in NYC doing various modeling gigs at the age of 19. I worked my way up the ladder and managed to have some awesome clients (Kenneth Cole, Betsey Johnson, Victoria’s Secret) but always craved doing something more. I dipped my toes into several acting studios and have had the bug ever since!

What sort of prep work did you do for Matrix 4 and Army of One?

Many times in our industry you don’t have the luxury of endless rehearsal time. This being said, I do plenty of Judo, Jiu-Jitsu, and fight choreography with my husband and his stunt team, 87 Eleven (DeadpoolJohn WickAtomic Blonde) on or off-season. Any efforts to keep up with them will certainly keep you in shape!

Without giving too much away, do you have a favorite scene in the films?

In Army of One there’s an epic “one-er” we managed to accomplish on the first take. There’s a lot of “wrecks” taken by our amazing stunt performers, as well as breakaways flying around AND blood continuity that proved to be a massive challenge. We pulled it off, though, and it’s my favorite action sequence in the whole movie. As for Matrix, I have to keep rather close-lipped about that or the men in dark suits with sunglasses will come after me.

How would you describe and compare/contrast your characters in the films?

Both characters have an unwavering ability to assess their predicament and execute their plan for survival…by any and all means necessary. Brenner, however, finds herself in the backwoods of Alabama, far away from the Matrix unfortunately.

Any memorable moments that stand out?

All nighters. Anytime you’re on a night shoot, as there were on both films, you have to dig deep to bring your highest level of performance despite your brain telling you that you should be sleeping. You’re only as good as you are on your worst day…or night. The level of concentration to achieve something worthy of making it to the big screen is immense, so anytime I managed to accomplish that it gave me the warm and fuzzies.

What else do you have coming up?

Check out Love and Monsters with Michael Rooker, Dylan O’Brien and fellow Matrix 4 castmate Jessica Henwick, available on streaming. I have some fun action-filled moments in this post apocalyptic “dramedy.”

How have you been spending your time in quarantine?

Aside from a few months in Berlin finishing up Matrix 4, I am proud to say I am CRUSHING my goal of binge watching The Great British Baking Show. I have to keep that bar raised high right??


Gareth Von Kallenbach
Gareth Von Kallenbach

Gareth is the mastermind behind the popular pop media site Skewed and Reviewed. He lives in Arizona with his wife Em McBride.