This Saturday, join us in welcoming Clarissa Thorne to The Event Horizon. Your hosts Susan Fox and Gene Turnbow invite the author of A Geek’s Guide to Cross-Stitch: Journeys in Space to the microphone to talk with us about her unusual book and a fascinating art form anyone can do!
Created by Clarissa Thorne of Unexpected Hobby and formatted by Oceano Ransford (The Arcs, Eisner Award-nominated Rikki), Journeys in Space combines the art of cross-stitch with the science of space travel, providing a new outlet for geeky creativity for crafters of all experience levels.  The book also features a foreword written by geeky crafting maven Bonnie Burton, author of The Star Wars Craft Book and Crafting with Feminism.
The next best thing to trekking through the solar system is stitching it!

Journeys in Space will feature over 25 original cross-stitch patterns that celebrate the awe and inspiration inherent in space travel and exploration.  With patterns representing NASA’s Cassini and Juno missions, the Curiosity rover, the picturesque Mars landscape, and much more, the book will offer a chance for both beginner and experienced crafters to express their love for science and space with cross-stitch patterns of varying sizes.  Plus, Journeys in Space’s spiral-bound format will allow crafters to lay the book flat for ultimate ease while stitching!

A Geek’s Guide to Cross-Stitch: Journeys in Space is currently available for pre-order through the Fanbase Press website ( and will be released in print on Monday, October 22, 2018.

This week’s show airs at the following times and dates:

Saturday 4 PM Pacific DST / 7 PM Eastern DST / 12 AM BSTSunday 4 PM Pacific DST / 7 PM Eastern DST / 12 AM BST
Thursday4 AM Pacific DST / 7 AM Eastern DST / 12 PM BSTSaturday (next)4 AM Pacific DST / 7 AM Eastern DST / 12 PM BST

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The Event Horizon – it’s Sci-Fi for your Wi-Fi!


SCIFI Radio Staff

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