Today’s video offering comes from a band called Songhammer.  They won the music competition last year at BlizzCon,  Blizzard Entertainment’s annual convention themeed on Worlds of Warcraft, and they’ll be at BlizzCon again this November 8-9.  Their new 13-track album is called “World of Songhammer”, and their first single from that album is presented here.  It’s called Death is on the Way, and features Michele Boyd (from The Guild and Team Unicorn).

The video was directed by John Leonetti, and the Director of Photography was Luc Nicknair.

It’s perfect for putting you in that WoW skull-bashing mood.  If it were us, it would be preceded by our Worlds of Warcraft battlecry – “LeeROOOOY JENKINS!!”



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SCIFI Radio Staff

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