Gentle and kind, he none the less defined the role of one of the greatest villains in cinematic history.
Gentle and kind, he none the less defined the role of one of the greatest villains in cinematic history.
This captures some of the spirit of the great man in one of the most charming ways possible. Warning, NSFW.
Unfortunately, the fake phone number wasn’t quite as fake as they thought.
“When you purchased Lucasfilm you acquired the rights to some books I wrote. STAR WARS, the novelization of the very first film. SPLINTER OF THE MIND’S EYE, the first sequel novel. You owe me royalties on these books. You stopped paying them.”
Because nothing says Thanksgiving like a little grindhouse. Just imagine what the turkey thinks of it all.
Dan Bull and Bonecage strike again with a great new gamer rap tune.
… Not that many of the movies stood a chance against the juggernaut that was director Denis Villeneuve’s take on Frank Herbert’s classic SF novel.
A sexual harassment lawsuit has been filed against Activision Blizzard by an individual identified as “Jane Doe.”
This April 5th, fans of Star Trek: The Motion Picture will be celebrating a lot more than just First Contact Day.
Jamie Lee Curtis has announced her intention to officiate at her daughter’s wedding wearing an admiral’s uniform from the World of Warcraft.