Will the horribly repressed Mr. Widdershins buck the system (and his robotic valet) and find true love? Watch and find out.
Will the horribly repressed Mr. Widdershins buck the system (and his robotic valet) and find true love? Watch and find out.
Purely by accident, Patrick H. Willems has created a multiverse sci-fi epic, involving a robotic googly-eyed coconut.
Netflix announces a slate of new animated films and series from creators across Europe. Each new title has a distinct tone and language, but are hoping for universality in their storytelling and themes.
A huge spinosaur, believed to be the largest predator dinosaur in Europe has been found on the Isle of Wight.
Human actor/singer James William Ercolani was born June 8, 1936 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He had a rich and varied career in Terran entertainment under the stage name James Darren before being cast as hologram Vic Fontaine on Star Trek: Deep Space 9.
Acclaimed actor Barrowman and an unidentified friend had been shopping in Berlin and came out to discover a scene of mayhem.
Nicholas Cage drinks blood, eats scenery in ‘Renfield’. Gareth von Kallenbach reviews.
Last week, Babylon 5 creator J. Michael Straczynski told us to “watch the skies” for ‘something wonderful,’ and here it is.
The saga continues as award-winning filmmaker Denis Villeneuve embarks on Dune: Part Two, the next chapter of Frank Herbert’s celebrated novel Dune
Legion M, an entertainment investment firm, has plans to make a movie about a real American hero, Robert Smalls.