Harrison Ford manages to delight in the Super Bowl spot for Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny, even though it’s just a 30 second recut of the longer trailer released earlier this month.
Harrison Ford manages to delight in the Super Bowl spot for Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny, even though it’s just a 30 second recut of the longer trailer released earlier this month.
Chris Pine heads a cast of Dungeons and Dragons heads a cast of adventuring thieves trying to set things right so that the world doesn’t end.
It’s the first trailer we’ve seen for the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy: Volume 3 motion picture, and the High Evolutionary is making a mess of things.
It’s The Flash starring Ezra Miller as as Barry Allen, and Michael Keaton as Batman, Ben Affleck as Batman — and Ezra Miller as Barry Allen. It’s complicated.
Just how much of a threat is ChatGPT? Can it write in your voice? Thaddeus “The Answer Man” Howze tries an experiment.
Join us February 11, 2023 at 4 pm Pacific, 7 pm Eastern for a new edition of The Event Horizon, this time with Mark Taormino, founder of Dark Wizard Games and their lead designer
David McCallum, Jr. star of NCIS, THE MAN FROM UNCLE, and SAPPHIRE & STEEL, has died of natural causes at the age of 90.
Christopher Reeve, the actor who to this day personifies Superman, would have been 71 years old today.
At 7:42AM Pacific yesterday Sunday morning, OSIRIS-REx entered Earth’s atmosphere at 27,000mph, bringing the largest sample of extraterrestrial material home since Apollo.
Capcom’s Onimusha, a classic survival action video game series set in Japan’s feudal Sengoku period, is being adapted into a Netflix anime series.