While the live action DC Universe stumbles along, Warner Bros. Animation consistently makes wonderful animated features starring the various members of the Justice League that are worth our time to watch. Here is the new trailer for Justice League: Warworld.

Until now, the Justice League has been a loose association of superpowered individuals. But when they are swept away to War World, a place of unending brutal gladiatorial combat, Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and the others must somehow unite to form an unbeatable resistance able to lead an entire planet to freedom.

Notably, this is the first animated feature having to do with the DC Comics universe to have earned an “R” rating. It’s presumably for violence and gore.

Justice League: Warworld stars Jensen Ackles as Batman, Frank Grillo as Agent Faraday, Stana Katic as Wonder Woman, John DiMaggio as Lobo, Troy Baker as Jonah Hex, Darren Criss as Superman, Brett Dalton as Bat Lash, Ike Amadi as Martian Manhunter and Robin Atkin Downes as Mongul. Directed by Jeff Wamester and written by Jeremy Adams, Ernie Altbacker and Josie Campbell, it releases on various digital media on July 26, 2023.


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