Oculus VR Co-Founder Andrew Reisse Killed in Police Chase
Andrew Reisse, the co-founder and lead engineer of Oculus VR has died as a result of a traffic collision during a high speed police pursuit last Thursday evening.
Video Of The Day: HIchop! (‘Kiss Me’ In Klingon)
Somehow anything is better when performed in the original Klingon.
Bagram Batman Takes On The U.S. Army
Bagram Batman is goofy fun, and serious business all at the same time. Your tax dollars at work, and Batman saving lives. Works for us.
Event Horizon: James Palmer of Mechanoid Press
The interview with James Palmer of Mechanoid Press, will not be airing this evening on The Event Horizon due to technical difficulties beyond our control.
The classic radio serial, The Adventures of Superman, is coming to SCIFI.radio 4PM Pacific/7 Eastern, Monday April 1, 2013!
Event Horizon For March 16: Reginald Nelson, ‘The Primordials’
Reginald Nelson, co-creator of the Primordials, will appear on Episode 5 of the Event Horizon on March 16, Saturday night at 9PM Pacific.
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