Tonight on ‘The Event Horizon’: The Backup Ribbon Project
This week’s episode of THE EVENT HORIZON features Tina Beychok, co-founder of The Backup Ribbon Project, Dr. Rebecca Housel, the Pop Culture Professor, and guest panelist Kristine Cherry of The Corsair’s Closet. The show airs at 9PM PDT / 12 AM EDT, and again Sunday at 4PM PDT / 7 PM EDT.
Stan Lee Media Loses Copyright Fight With Disney
Stan Lee Media loses copyright fight with Disney, with prejudice. As in, don’t try this again, guys.
R.I.P. Frederik Pohl
Author, editor and Futurian Frederik Pohl has passed away on September 2, 2013, at the age of 93.
DARPA Working on Sentient Robots With “Positronic” Brains
“The next frontier for the robotics industry is to build machines that think like humans. Scientists have pursued that elusive goal for decades, and they believe they are now just inches away from the finish line.” Hold onto your hats, folks. Sentient robots may be on their way.
Dragon*Con Reincorporates Without Ed Kramer
DragonCon founders officially announced a split from co-founder Ed Kramer yesterday morning. The Board of Directors and Shareholders of Dragon Con / ACE, Inc., producer of DragonCon, Atlanta’s internationally known pop culture, fantasy and sci-fi convention, have...
Original “Star Trek” Galileo Shuttlecraft Going To Houston
The fully restored Galileo Shuttlecraft from Star Trek makes its way to Houston. is listener supported sci-fi geek culture radio, and operates almost exclusively via the generous contributions of our fans via our Patreon campaign. If you like, you can also use our tip jar and send us a little something to help support the many fine creatives that make this station possible.