I Want Movies, Not Culture Wars
You know what I miss? Being able to watch a movie without it inciting a race war over representation. Suffering from insomnia and trying to get my creative writing mojo back, I wandered the on-demand isle of my cable network and found the much-maligned The Great Wall...
Jane Goodall Institute, 20th Century Fox Partner to Aid Rehab of Chimpanzees in Honor of “War for the Planet of the Apes”
In honor of the upcoming release of War for the Planet of the Apes, 20th Century Fox has partnered with the Jane Goodall Institute to provide care for rescued chimpanzees, many of whom are victims of the illegal commercial bushmeat and pet trades. Housed and cared for on three forested island sanctuary sites and a mainland sanctuary site at the Institute’s Tchimpounga Chimpanzee Rehabilitation Center in Republic of Congo.
On “The Event Horizon”: Phoenix Comicon Heroes Rayko, Scott Nichols
The next episode of The Event Horizon brings you Rayko and Sgt. Nicks to tell you the story in their own words. Sat/Sun 4 pm PST
Gal Gadot is Wonder Woman!
Wonder Woman is one of the greatest superheroes of all time. Nobody at their competitor even comes close. Yes, I said it. I won't qualify it, because there is no need. Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman, DC Comics holy Trinity has existed for 75 years and with the...
Video of the Day: Harvard’s Din and Tonic Honors John Williams
John Williams received an honorary Doctor of Music degree from Harvard University last Thursday. While he was there, this happened too.
Ultrasabers, Phoenix Comicon, A Would-Be Assassin and Some Big Damn Heroes
Matthew Sterling dressed up as Marvel’s The Punisher, armed to the teeth. His plan? Kill Mighty Morphin Power Rangers star Jason David Frank.
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