Big Finish Audio Review: The Diary of River Song – Series 6
The amazing River Song (Alex Kingston) returns, this time to moments before the Doctor arrives for some of his most iconic adventures, incuding where it all began. An Unearthly Woman by Matt Fitton River goes undercover as a teacher (and at times a police woman) to...
Big Finish Audio Review: ‘Doctor Who – The Eighth Doctor -The Time War (Vol. 3)’
Paul McGann returns as the Eighth Doctor in this new installment in the ‘Time War’ series.
‘IT Chapter 2’: Rising Success or Sinking Failure?
The reason people have nightmares about clowns is back for a second round. Brandon Long reviews.
Ariana Grande’s ‘NASA’ Gets a NASA Moon-Mission Remix
When you make a pop song and use anything like space exploration as a central theme, there’s this certain secondary effect as far as geekdom is concerned: it’s like pouring gasoline on a bonfire.
Celebrating Star Trek: The Influence on a Fan
The first episode of Star Trek aired September 8, 1966. We have been boldly going ever since.
Disney Locks Up Space at Pinewood
Is the Mouse displacing Bond? Disney just signed a long term lease for the entirety of Pinewood Studios. is listener supported sci-fi geek culture radio, and operates almost exclusively via the generous contributions of our fans via our Patreon campaign. If you like, you can also use our tip jar and send us a little something to help support the many fine creatives that make this station possible.