Lord British Smuggles Scotty Into Space
A secret mission to give James Doohan a celestial resting place has been revealed 12 years later.
Talking ‘Matrix 4’ And ‘Army Of One’ With Ellen Hollman
Recently Gareth von Kallenbach got to sit down for an interview with with actor Ellen Hollman about her work on the upcoming motion pictures Matrix 4 and Army Of One. Here’s what happened.
The Curious Case of ‘Cyberpunk 2077’
What’s gone wrong so far with the much-anticipated title – and what’s managed to go right.
Video of the Day: Fabrice Mathieu’s ‘Darth By Darthwest II’
Musical mashups aren’t broadly common, but they do exist. Rarer by far are movie mashups, because of the broad variety of skills required to pull them off convincingly. Today we present a crowning achievement by Fabrice Mathieu.
SF Grandmaster & Hugo Winner James Gunn Dead at 97
One of the greatest lights in the science fiction writing community has gone out.
John Scalzi , Matthew Ryan Team Up on ‘Another Christmas’
The famed SF writer teams up with his friend to create – surprise – a heartfelt Christmas song.
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