The latest project in the beloved “Tales of the Ravensdaughter” series has landed on Kickstarter, promising to immerse fans even deeper into its richly crafted universe. “Realms of the Ravensdaughter” is a Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition supplement that introduces new sub-classes, magical items, spells, deities, and NPCs, enhancing the tabletop experience for both veteran players and newcomers.

This campaign by EHR Books offers a plethora of content for D&D enthusiasts. With a goal of $3,000, the project has already garnered significant support, achieving 44% of its funding goal within the first few days. The campaign runs until June 30, 2024, giving backers ample time to join the adventure and unlock exclusive content.

Erin Hunt Rado, the creator behind the series, has crafted an extension that not only enriches the game’s mechanics but also expands the narrative depth of the Ravensdaughter universe. Fans can expect a blend of epic fantasy elements and meticulous game design that has become synonymous with the series.

Backers can look forward to unique rewards, including digital art, exclusive updates, and early access to new game content. The campaign is designed to cater to both casual players and hardcore fans, ensuring that everyone can find something to enhance their gaming sessions.

For those interested in supporting “Realms of the Ravensdaughter,” visit the Kickstarter campaign page. To stay updated with the latest developments and behind-the-scenes content, you can follow Erin’s official site.

Jump into the Realms and discover a world where every decision shapes your adventure. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to be part of the Ravensdaughter legacy!


The project has been moved from Kickstarter to just being straight up sold directly to you as a finished product. Please visit Erin Rado’s Celtic Art Store page for Realmes of the Ravensdaughter to see it, and order as you please.

SCIFI Radio Staff
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