This week on’s THE EVENT HORIZON, your hosts Gene Turnbow and Susan Fox have a special treat for you. It’s a look into the early stages of the development of a brand new epic animated series, called Gabriel and the Guardians. Our guests for Saturday, April 27 are the production team at Angel Studios, and the creative minds behind the creation of the project. They are:
David Cunningham – Executive Producer & Show runner | Lisa Tuholski – Assistant Story Editor |
Jason Andrew Moody – Creator & Art Director | Al Moore – Executive Producer Head of Production |
In this episode, we talk to the team about everything from the show’s roots in some of the oldest legends Earth has to offer, the production process, story development, character development, modern influences and more. This group of professional film makers have a track record in the industry, and have already raised two million dollars. Production of the pilot episode begins in June.
Here are the air times for this new episode of The Event Horizon:
Sat April 27 | 4 PM Pacific / 7 PM Eastern / 12 AM GMT | Sun April 28 | 4 PM Pacific / 7 PM Eastern / 12 AM GMT |
Thurs May 2 | 4 AM Pacific / 7 AM Eastern / 12 PM GMT | May 4 | 4 AM Pacific / 7 AM Eastern / 12 PM GMT |
Once all the airtimes have passed, you’ll find this episode on iTunes, Stitcher, Pandora, iHeartRadio, Google Podcasts, and right here on our own web site on the Event Horizon show page (see the menus above).
And now, here is the episode itself:

The Event Horizon on — it’s Sci-Fi for your Wi-Fi.
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