Today’s bit of animated convection is from everybody’s favorite tabletop gaming maven Ginny Di, singing the tale of a lich. In Dungeons and Dragons lore, that’s somebody who has chosen eternal life, but has managed it without the benefit of eternal youth. The result is an extremely powerful, yet physically deteriorating foe, and a challenge for any D&D player.

L.I,C.H. is quite the earworm. Yeah, there are likely a lot of worms involved. What’re you gonna do, it’s a lich.

Ginny Di is not only a fabulous cosplayer and brilliant with tabletop gaming and being a top notch game master, but she sings like a nightengale. How so much talent could be wrapped up in a single package frankly defies explanation.

We hope you enjoy today’s selection. And yes, you’ll be able to hear it in our daily playlist lineup here on


SCIFI Radio Staff
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