
Capcom’s Onimusha, a classic survival action video game series set in Japan’s feudal Sengoku period, is being adapted into a Netflix anime series. Directed by Takashi Miike, this ambitious series will focus on Miyamoto Musashi, who is modeled after Toshiro Mifune (Seven Samurai), the Japanese film icon known around the globe. 

“This is the beginning of an intense series full of realistic action in which Musashi’s blade slices through evil as he traverses a land plagued by poverty.”

Shinya Sugai (Walking Meat, Dragon’s Dogma) is directing the anime at Sublimation studio.

Musashi is your basic samurai demon-slayer, who has just 33 days to defeat the Genma. The game series previously inspired the Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams CG film in 2006.

Onimusha (???, ‘Oni Warrior’) is a series of video games developed and published by Capcom. It makes use of the historic figures that shaped Japan’s history, retelling their stories with supernatural elements. Most of the games are of the action-adventure genre, a combination of third-person hack-and-slash combat and puzzle elements. The player protagonist wields the power of the Oni, enabling them to fight the Genma, the main enemy in the series. As of December 31, 2019, the series has sold a total of 8.5 million units worldwide, making it Capcom’s ninth best-selling franchise, behind Resident EvilMonster HunterStreet FighterMega ManDevil May CryDead RisingMarvel vs. Capcom, and Ace Attorney.

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The Netflix Series Onimusha starts streaming Thursday, November 2, on Netflix.


David Raiklen

David Raiklen wrote, directed and scored his first film at age 9. He began studying keyboard and composing at age 5. He attended, then taught at UCLA, USC and CalArts. Among his teachers are John Williams and Mel Powel.
He has worked for Fox, Disney and Sprint. David has received numerous awards for his work, including the 2004 American Music Center Award. Dr. Raiklen has composed music and sound design for theater (Death and the Maiden), dance (Russian Ballet), television (Sing Me a Story), cell phone (Spacey Movie), museums (Museum of Tolerance), concert (Violin Sonata ), and film (Appalachian Trail).
His compositions have been performed at the Hollywood Bowl and the first Disney Hall. David Raiken is also host of a successful radio program, Classical Fan Club.