Join us this Saturday and Sunday at 4 PM Pacific time for a special edition of The Event Horizon, when host Gene Turnbow welcomes Gregory MacMartin and Ryan Sheffer of IDGI (Interdimensional Games, Inc.) to the show to talk about the new VR game Consortium VR.

The words “groundbreaking” and “revolutionary” are often overused with respect to new games, and new products in general, but this time the words apply. Consortium VR is the closest thing to a true holodeck simulation that it is currently possible to experience on your VR headset. It’s a first person adventure game, and while the nonplayer characters do have daily business, goals and activities, and how they respond to you does involve how you treat them.

That’s pretty sophisticated game design already, but what makes Consortium VR different is that you, as a player, speak your lines directly to the characters as part of the game’s controlling interface. It’s possible to play without using this feature, but using your own voice to speak with characters who are speaking to you makes it the most fully immersive experience that it is currently possible to have in VR.

Consortium VR for the Meta Quest 2 releases on February 22. The Steam version will be released at a later date.


Sat Feb 18 4 pm PT / 7 pm ET / Midnight GMT (and a second air time at 9 pm PT)
Sun Feb 19 4 pm PT / 7 pm ET / Midnight GMT
Thursday, Feb 23 4 am PT / 7 am ET / Noon GMT
Saturday, Feb 28 4 am PT / 7 am ET / Noon GMT

The Event Horizon on – it’s Sci-Fi for your Wifi!


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