tales of the ravendaughter beast of basque

Join us this Saturday at 4 pm Pacific, 7 pm Eastern for a new edition of The Event Horizon, this time with writer and professional illustrator Erin Rado to talk about her new epic fantasy novella series, Tales of the Ravensdaughter, She joins hosts Gene Turnbow and Susan Fox for a fascinating look at the series, which she describes as “bringing epic fantasy back to the pulp novel.”


Here are the air times for the new episode of The Event Horizon with Erin Hunt Radio:

Saturday September 174 PM Pacific  / 7 PM Eastern  / 12 AM GMTSunday September 184 PM Pacific  / 7 PM Eastern  / 12 AM GMT
September 22
4 AM Pacific  / 7 AM Eastern  / 12 PM GMTSaturday September 244 AM Pacific  / 7 AM Eastern  / 12 PM GMT

Once all the airtimes have passed, you’ll find this episode on iTunes, Stitcher, Pandora, iHeartRadio, Google Podcasts, and right here on our own web site on the Event Horizon show page (see the menus above).


Celtic Rock Radio

ERIN RADO, Ravensdaughter, is a mindfulness artist

Having always been interested in medieval and renaissance culture, Erin began drawing original Celtic art in 2008. She began showing her collection at renaissance fairs and art festivals, and observed that users kept entering a mindful state each time they worked with her products. Adults struggling with anxiety or panic would sometimes experience “breakthroughs, and children diagnosed with behavioral disorders would remain calm and engaged.

Erin added Finger Labyrinths to her collection in 2016. They are Erin’s first digital collection, and represent a stylistic difference from other labyrinthian art.

Erin shows at many professional conferences, but still shows at renaissance fairs and art festivals where she tests her new designs. Through many years of interaction, she has codified her work and earned the recognition of the behavioral wellness community.

Presently, Erin has been developing a new line of Mindful Tracing Art based on Spirals.

Erin’s goal is to take her work global, for she is confident that Mindful Tracing Art can truly help the human condition. One brain at a time.

Celtic Rock Radio

Erin is also the mastermind behind Celtic Rock Radio, which boasts round the clock celtic rock. Celtic Rock Radio features celtic bands from all over the world. If you like celtic music, you’re gonna love this stuff. Nothing gets your blood pumping like this genre of tunage. There are even free player apps for your phone or tablet.

Follow them on Twitter @CelticRockRadio, or via the hashtag #FollowTheRock.

The Show in Full

The Event Horizon on SCIFI.radio – it’s Sci-Fi for your Wi-fi.



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