From their live Halloween Special, the multi-genre band Broken Peach presents a performance from their Halloween special. It’s a cover of This is Halloween, and it’s candy corn for the eyes.

If you’ve never heard of Broken Peach, you’re in for a treat. This quirky band of unusually talented performers takes every song they do and gives it a special spin all their own, both musically and from a performance standpoint.

This time we present their new performance of one of their old classics, This is Halloween, from the Tim Burton movie Nightmare Before Christmas. Already written for multiple voices, the song takes on new life as the four leads for the band, Lara Rodriguez, Erica Vasquez, Erika Lewis and Sela Periera, add jittery lightning to the vocals. Based on a bedrock of sound provided by the instrumentalists Pedro Gonzalez, Ruben Di Groovie, and Julian Rodriguez, the result is visceral engagement that will make your toes curl.

Hailing from Spain, Broken Peach became globally famous after the release of their original cover of This is Halloween in 2015.


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