Star Trek: Discovery has embraced one of the core ideals of Star Trek from its beginning. “Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combination” is the cornerstone of Vulcan philosophy. It is only by accepting the new and different that we, as a society, reach our full potential.

In keeping with this essential concept of unity from Star Trek, here is a message from the cast and crew of Star Trek: Discovery, to remind us that everyone – everyone – belongs.

The show has always been on the forefront of representation for gay and nonbinary characters, from the gender-changing Trill, to Commander Data’s offsprint Lal, to the Mirror Universe version of Kira Nerys, to Discovery’s two gay characters Dr. Hugh Culber and Lt. Stametz, and the new trans and nonbinary characters Gray and Adira.

From all of us at, Happy #Pride Month.


SCIFI Radio Staff
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