Lucasfilm Animation has been busy making the new Star Wars series Star Wars: The Bad Batch, and it’s TRAILER TIME!! In the new series,

“Star Wars: The Bad Batch” follows the elite and experimental clones of the Bad Batch (first introduced in “The Clone Wars”) as they find their way in a rapidly changing galaxy in the immediate aftermath of the Clone War. Members of Bad Batch—a unique squad of clones who vary genetically from their brothers in the Clone Army—each possess a singular exceptional skill that makes them extraordinarily effective soldiers and a formidable crew.

The Bad Batch was originally introduced in a two-part story in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. The new series matches the production design of The Clone Wars exactly, so it meshes right in as a believable part of the same universe. We’re home.

Clone Force 99, as they’re called, consists of five specialists: Hunter, Echo, Tick, Wrecker, and Corsair. Grand Moff Tarkin decides that they are too unstable to keep around, and the game is afoot. As they make their escape off Kamino, they’re joined by a girl who seems to know exactly who they all are, and wants to join them on their journey. Who she is remains a mystery at this point, but from the refined decorative forehead jewelry, we can assume she comes from a well positioned family. She’s possibly somebody related to those being sent to hunt the Bad Batch. At this point it’s all speculation. In a few days, we’ll know the answers.

Dee Bradley Baker is back as the voice of the Clone Troopers (all of them). Ming Na Wen is cast as Fennec Shand, a role she debuted herself in the live action series The Mandalorian. Stephen Stanton portrays Admiral Tarkin. Andrew Kishino plays Saw Gerrera, a character introduced in Rogue One.

We don’t know who’s writing the series – only who wrote the first episode, and that’s Jennifer Corbet. Kevin Kiner is back as the series soundtrack composer, and well he knows the world of star Wars, having written the soundtrack music for Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

The Disney+ series makes its debut on Tuesday, May 4, with a special 70-minute premiere, followed by new episodes every Friday starting on May 7.


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