Today’s cinematic confection is Miles: A Spider-Man Fan Film. It stars Lakin Mims as Miles Morales, the Spider-Man from an alternate universe where the original Peter Parker dies, and is replaced by an Afro-Latino teenage boy, who gets his powers from the bite of a radioactive spider engineered by Norman Osborne in an attempt to recreate the powers of the original Spider-Man.

In this story, Miles goes up against both The Shocker and Rocket Racer, the latter of which turns out to be his childhood friend Robbie Farrell.

Pause the stream while you watch this. The control is at the upper right, or aalll the way at the bottom of the page if you’re on mobile. Yeah, we know, it’s a pain. It’s a complicated problem, believe it or not, and we’re still working on it.

The enabling power of personal computing puts amazing visual effects within reach of even the smallest productions, and in Miles: A Spider-Man Fan Film the prowess of the visual effects artists are on fully display. The acting is fair to excellent, with Finch Moore turning in a stellar performance as Robbie Farrell. Dylan Jaeger plays Herman Schultz / The Shocker, and he’s equally controlled and powerful in his role, even without his electric gloves. Lakin Mims hits his marks with all the right emotional tones, and a physical performances that screams “Spider-Man”.

There are one or two spots where an emotional note is struck, but the editor (or the director) seems unsure of exactly where that note should come in a scene, so he tries again with the same note. This makes the pacing hiccup a bit when it happens, but this is a minor issue for what is, overall, an amazing fan film.

It’s exciting fun to see a live-action Miles Morales. It’s one of the longer fan films, at just under 24 minutes, but the production values are so high and the story so strong that it’s well worth the time spent to watch it.

Lakin Mims as Miles Morales

Dylan Jaeger as Herman Schultz/The Shocker

Finch Moore as Robbie Farrell/Rocket Racer

Nick Messersmith as Conor
Carlos Alexander as Cab Driver
Tristan Bennett as Trent/Civilian #1
Kazek Israni-Winger as Civilian #2
Luke Kreger as Civilian #3
Dora Ui as Civilian #4
Mariana Calderon as Civilian #5
Rob Merritt as News Anchor (Voice)
Carrsan Morrisey as Civilian (Voice)
Shelby Davis as Civilian (Voice)

Fight and Stunt Choreography by Nick Messersmith

Adapted, Directed, and Edited by Tarrell Christie

spidermanfanfilm #milesmorales #fanfilm


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