Public Service Announcement: The popular East Coast convention dedicated to Dr. Who fandom “RegenerationWHO” that was to take place in Rockville, Maryland next weekend March 29-31, 2019 has had to issue a last minute cancellation for their fifth annual convention. From their web site comes the following announcement:
As a result of a string of last minute cancellations, we see no alternative but to cancel (Re)Generation Who 5. We want to apologize for this as we tried every way possible to move forward, but could not find a way to produce an event of the quality you have come to expect from us.
We will be working with our team to determine if there are any options moving forward.
Please note you will need to contact the hotel directly if have guest room reservations.
Onezumi Events inc.

The convention had just posted the addition of actor Tony Curran to the list of guests. Curran had played Vincent Van Gogh in one of the more beloved episodes of Doctor Who during the Matt Smith episodes Vincent and the Doctor and The Pandorica Opens, making that announcement on March 8.
Onizume Events also produced Intervention: The Intersection of Sci Fi, Fantasy, and Future Media, though this event has not been produced since 2016.
We had previously listed Oni Durant as the showrunner for ReGenerationWho 5, but this is not the case. The showrunner is James Harknell, who currently owns and operations Onizumi Events. Oni Durant no longer owns any part of Onizumi Events, and has had nothing to do with showrunning or management of any of their conventions or conferences.
We would like to take this opportunity to publicly apologize to Ms. Durant for the distress our error has caused.
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