SCIFI.radio founder and station manager, Gene Turnbow
The tables are turned on SCIFI.radio station manager Gene Turnbow (get it? “turn table”? It’s a radio joke!) as he appears on the prestigious podcast for podcasters and streamers, TASCAM Talkback.
Host Bruce Wawrzyniak (pronounced WARZ-nee-ak) caught up with Gene at San Diego Comic-Con this year at the San Diego Central Library for his appearance on the SDCC panel “Heroes at the Mic”. In the interview, Gene talks about how he gets interviews with people who otherwise would turn you away (and why) and getting around permissions along the way.
Plus, he discusses how he went from gaming online alongside one hour of music on a loop, to having the only streaming radio station on the Internet doing Sci-Fi geek culture radio full time. There’s also a discussion of live versus automated DJ’s, and all this without a traditional brick and mortar station or studio.
You can also hear some discussion of the challenges of USB microphones versus XLR, and how music licensing differs between streaming and podcasting. He even invites content submissions!
If you’re a podcaster or audio performer in any way, you’ll find this podcast to be an invaluable guide on your way to success in the field.
About TASCAM Talkback
From a leader in products for every segment of the sound and music industry comes a podcast for podcasters and streamers. Eagerly immersing itself in this booming audio/streaming/voice realm, TASCAM is delivering this show every other week to speak to beginner, intermediate, and advanced broadcasters. Content includes in-depth How To, News, Tips, Tricks, and spotlights on new Hardware and Software. They also be speak with Podcasters, gamers, content producers and hardware designers – the very people who make podcasting happen.
TASCAM Talkback can also be heard via iTunes, Stitcher Radio, and TuneIn Radio.
About SCIFI.radio
SCIFI.radio was founded in 2009 by founders Susan Fox and Gene Turnbow. It has grown since then to reach several tens of thousands of listeners a month in over 170 countries around the world, with thousands of fans in social media. Using news articles relevant to the geeking world as a lure for new listeners to discover the station, it has also become one of the most respected platforms for journalism in the sci-fi and geek fandom community.
SCIFI.radio is listener supported sci-fi geek culture radio, and operates almost exclusively via the generous contributions of our fans via our Patreon campaign. If you like, you can also use our tip jar and send us a little something to help support the many fine creatives that make this station possible.
Well done and fascinating information