This weekend, Lucasfilm debuted the trailer to season four of the popular Star Wars: Rebels, the series final season. The new season is set to premiere on October 16 (12:30 AM, 3:00 AM, 7:30 AM, 5:30 PM, and 9:00 PM EDT) on Disney XD and on the Disney XD App.

This season finds the crew of The Ghost joining the ever growing Rebel Alliance, still uniting to go up against the Empire. At the same time, Ezra’s homeworld, Lothal, is being threatened by the Empire, led by Admiral Thrawn. Ezra leads the crew to Lothal to end the threat. As old friends are reunited, new alliances are formed as we head towards the epic conclusion of the series.

Despite the name drop, and the fact that Rebels is set roughly in the same time period as Star Wars: Rogue One, Director Krennic, played in Rogue One by Ben Mendelson, will not be making an appearance in the series, although it had been seriously considered. Forrest Whitaker will be returning as Saw Gerrara, and one other Star Wars film veteran will be joining the cast in this final season. Warrick Davis will be providing the voice of Admiral Thrawn’s assassin, Rukh.

The returning cast also includes Freddie Prinz Jr as Kanan, Vanessa Marshal as Hera, Steve Blum as Zeb, Tiya Sicar as Sabine, Taylor Gray as Ezra, Dee Bradley Baker as Captain Rex, David Oyelowo as Kallus, and Lars Mikkelsen as Grand Admiral Thrawn.

The show is created by Dave Filoni, Simon Kinberg, and Carrie Beck. Executive produced by Filoni, Kinberg, and Henry Gilroy.

Before the season premiere in October, you can get caught up on seasons 1 through 3 on the Disney XD app starting September 28. Hopefully, more news of the upcoming season will be released soon, as well as news concerning future animated shows set in the Star Wars universe.


Gary DaBaum

Gary DaBaum

Gary DaBaum, DJ, writer, and all around nice guy, can be heard on When not on the air, he can be found in the virtual world of Second Life, or spoiling his grand nephew.