This week’s edition of The Event Horizon features one of the most exciting, energetic music acts of the geeking world. Our guests this week are Bonnie Gordon and Xander Jeanneret, and together they are The Library Bards! They have been not only separately featured on King of the Nerds & The Quest, but have a long list of geeky productions under their belts as the now-famous singing duo. They appear on Geek and Sundry’s media streams, and Bonnie has been recently cast in Geek & Sundry & Alpha‘s Shield Of Tomorrow as Bajoran Starfleet Officer Ensign Lark Sage.

Tune in Saturday at 4 pm Pacific / 7 pm Eastern to hear the duo’s high energy conversation with hosts Susan Fox and Gene Turnbow. The show repeats Sunday at 4pm Pacific / 7 pm Eastern, and the following Thursday and Saturday mornings at 4 am Pacific / 7 am Eastern.
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