, the world’s only full time geek culture radio station, presents the world premiere broadcast of The Adventures of Rick Deckard. It airs June 22 at 7 pm Pacific / 10 pm Eastern, and again June 25 at 5 pm Pacific / 8 pm Eastern. The show is being aired to coincide with the 35th anniversary of the release of Ridley Scott’s 1982 film Blade Runner.

The daring radio drama retells the story of the 1982 film Blade Runner as the noir it always wanted to be. Presented as a 1948 radio show, the film is recreated in audio by the Lux Theater. It’s in the style of Dashiell Hammett and Raymond Chandler, featuring the top actors of the day – Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, Vincent Price, Peter Lorre, Edward G. Robinson and more.

The Lux Theater

Originally recorded live in 2006 at the LosCon 33 convention in Los Angeles, Deckard is realized on stage by a cast of 8 performers called the Lux Theater, recreating 20 golden-age actors, with live foley sound effects and in front of an audience in the style of radio dramas long gone. Although it’s formatted as an old-time adventure serial, The Adventures of Rick Deckard comes full circle as this will be its first actual broadcast on radio.


Rick Deckard Humphrey Bogart Rachael Tyrell Lauren Bacall
Dr. Eldon Tyrell Boris Karloff Capt. Bryant Edward G. Robinson
Roy Batty Vincent Price J.F. Sebastian Peter Lorre
Gaff Cesar Romero Dave Holden Cary Grant
Leon Kowalski Gerald Mohr Taffy Lewis Sydney Greenstreet
Zhora/Ms. Salome Barbara Stanwyck Pris Marilyn Monroe
Hannibal Chew Keye Luke Abdul Ben Hassan Frank Puglia
Nurse Margaret Hamilton Norris Erich Von Stroheim
Hotel Manager Jack Benny Kaiser Oliver Hardy
Bear Stan Laurel Louie the Bartender Richard Foss
Police Officer 1 Pat Mannion Police Officer 2 / Truck Driver Ian Fagan
Cab Driver/Dancing Girl 1 Amy Calcote ESPER Computer / Cambodian Lady Colleen Kennedy
Off-World Announcer / Police Officer 3 Michael Reed Spinner Controller / Dancing Girl 2 Colleen Crosby
Lux Announcer Shawn Crosby Cecil B. DeMille Christian McGuire


Produced By Shawn Crosby and David Milano
Directed By David Milano
Theatrical Lighting Charles Hoff
Music Playback Morgan Joeck
Broadcast Engineer Rizwan Kassim

Sound Design David Milano
Assistant Sound Designers Wendy Newton, Scott Martin
Staging Lawrence Green
Publicity Photography Jen Cleary

Based on the novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick and its film adaptation Blade Runner by Ridley Scott. Adapted for Radio by David Milano.

About is a full time, round-the-clock sci-fi and geek culture radio station. It is one of only a tiny handful of radio stations in its genre, is by far the oldest and best established, and can be heard on more services and more devices than any other station in its genre. reaches tens of thousands of listeners each month, in 135 countries around the world.

On the air continuously since its founding in 2009 by Gene Turnbow and Susan Fox, the station is a listener supported radio project via Patreon.

About Gene Turnbow

Co-Founder and Station Manager of, Gene is a 30 year veteran of the motion picture industry, Gene Turnbow started as a sculptor working on the Battlestar Galactica show on the Universal Studios Tour in 1979. Since then he has worked in various roles on innumerable television shows, including “Knight Rider”, “Family Ties”, and “Star Trek: The Next Generation”, as well as movies such as “Buckaroo Bonzai”, “Ice Pirates”, “Serenity”, “Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe”, “Night at the Museum”, “Cat in the Hat”, “The Incredible Hulk”, “Superman Returns” and many others.

He will be on two panels at San Diego Comic Con in 2017, one called “Heroes of the Mic” on Thursday July 20 at 1pm, San Diego Public Library’s Neil Morgan Auditorium, and one on Sunday July 23 called “Full Time Creativity on a Part Time Schedule” in room 213 at 3:30pm.

About Susan Fox

Co-Founder and Executive Producer of, Susan is also a veteran of the motion picture industry, Susan Fox is currently Managing Editor of Hollywood News Calendar, a subscription service for entertainment industry reporters and publishers.


SCIFI Radio Staff is listener supported sci-fi geek culture radio, and operates almost exclusively via the generous contributions of our fans via our Patreon campaign. If you like, you can also use our tip jar and send us a little something to help support the many fine creatives that make this station possible.