This one wins the Internet for the day. Performance artist Jesse Wellen painted himself up as the Silver Surfer for Halloween, and cruised the streets of New York on a silver board, to the amusement and delight of the locals. Considering that the Silver Surfer actually spent most of his time on Earth hanging out in New York with the Fantastic Four, this seems unusually fitting. Now, watch the epic results:

It’s the #4 trending video on YouTube today, and has garnered 1.2 MILLION views in just 24 hours.

Jesse Welle was the canvas for the body paint, which took makeup artist Alexys Fleming about four hours to rough out initially. Then Jesse told her she had another hour, so she spent it sweetening up the paint job, adding comic book markings and lines to the already amazing rendition of the classic Marvel Comics hero.  You can almost imagine the silvery metal flowing over Jesse’s skin looking at the remarkable paintwork. For fans of the process, here’s the how-they-did-it video too.

Happy Halloween, everybody! This made our day. Have a great night out tonight, and stay safe.



SCIFI Radio Staff

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