Join us for this evening’s episode of The Event Horizon, when our guest will be Audrey Kerns of Geek Girl Authority. She is one busy lady.

LOS ANGELES – AUG 17: Audrey Kearns at the 2nd Annual Geeky Awards at Avalon on August 17, 2014 in Los Angeles, CA
Audrey Kearns is a writer, actor and producer. She is the founder, publisher and editor of the influential geek and pop culture website, Geek Girl Authority. She produces and hosts the podcast Kneel Before Aud where she interviews professionals in the movie, television and gaming industry. She is the creator, producer and host of the popular live storytelling show/podcast 5 Truths and a Lie, produced here in Los Angeles, boasting many celebrity storytellers from the science fiction, fantasy, gaming and actual science communities.
Audrey also co-created the new hit podcast Booze and Phasers and appears regularly as a guest on fan-centric web shows such as Screen Junkies, Tall Drink of Geek and Jedi Alliance — and she’s an actor as well. Her acting credits include Angel, G4’s Attack of the Show, Scrubs, MADtv and The 4400 Webisodes to name a few. Audrey also wrote and produced the comedic one-person hit show called Obsessively Okay that somehow managed to combine her Obsessive Compulsive Disorder battles with her love for Star Trek cosplay.
If that’s not nerdy enough for you, then just ask her to show you the two separate asthma inhalers she carries in her pockets at all times.
Gene Turnbow and Susan L. Fox host.
The showtimes for this episode of The Event Horizon are:
- Today, 9 pm PT / 12 AM ET
- Sunday, 4 pm PT / 7 pm ET
- Tuesday and the following Saturday, 4 am PT / 7 am ET
The Event Horizon – it’s Sci-Fi for your Wifi.
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