Not every selection for Video of the Day is made fresh this week. Hashed up from footage from Season 9 of Doctor Who by Jessie and Julian DoyleDalek Love tells the tale how  one lovestruck Dalek’s relationship with Rose Tyler is ruined by jealousy.

dalek love mugDalek Love takes what is essentially found footage and makes a new story out of it, complete with a music mashup that makes us smile. The music is by Magnus ‘Doctor Hoover’ Box Featuring the voice of Danny ‘the Dalek’ Farrent of the Buzzcocks.  Listen for this cut on We couldn’t just post the video and leave it alone, now could we?

If you were looking for the mugs depicted in the front page banner, by the way, you can get them here. They’re on Etsy, and made by Edith and Elizabeth in Chelmsford. They’re £18 for the pair (with a pretty reasonable £4.50 postage and packaging). We just thought these were cute and went well with the video story.

Enjoy the video, and feel the warm glow of Dalek Love. No, that’s not the effects of the death ray.

We promise.



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