If Supergirl had a ballad anthem, this would be it. Written and sung by Rachel Platten, Fight Song sums everything Supergirl is about – a search for identity, the discovery of personal strength, the emergence of a whole, capable being with extraordinary strength both in body and in spirit. We think Rachel Patten could have auditioned for the role of Supergirl herself, and would have looked just perfect in the costume – but it’s the soul of her music that captivates us this time.

As you watch this video, remember to turn down (or turn off) the SCIFI.radio stream so that you can here the song in the video.


Melissa Benoist may be in danger of losing her street cred in Hollywood. When you’re cast in the role of a lifetime, you’re not supposed to fan-girl squee every single time you get into the costume. Your face isn’t supposed to shine like the sun every time somebody calls you Supergirl. You’re not supposed to give the audience that knowing glow every time you appear on camera and silently say to them with every word and every movement, “I’m one of you – I’m doing this for all of you – all of US. We are Supergirl.”

But she is, and we can already see it in all the trailers for the Supergirl television show that makes its debut on CBS on October 26, 8:30/7:30 pm Central. They didn’t even dance around it, they could have called it “Carol”. Or “Danvers”. Or something equally coy that makes you think Supergirl when you see it, like the curtain opening as the orchestra plays the last strains of the overture. Instead, they say, “Here. Here you are. This is what you want.” And they’re right. We love how this video shows all that off.



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