SF Writer Steven Gould

This Saturday at 9:00 p.m. Pacific, join your hosts Gene Turnbow and Susan Fox for a brand new episode of The Event Horizon. This week our special guest is science fiction writer Steven Gould, author of EXO from TOR Books. Steven is author of Jumper, the 1992 novel that was made into the motion picture by the same name in 2008, and EXO is the latest in the Jumper series of novels.

Find out what else Steven has been up to and learn what his new projects are. We guarantee you won’t be disappointed.

The Event Horizon is our on-going sci-fi convention panel discussion show, but without the convention. Past guests have included Hugo-winning authors David Gerrold and John Scalzi, as well as many other well known authors and other creatives in the fields of science fiction and fantasy.  Consult our What’s On When page for show times in your area.  Consult the show page for The Event Horizon for listings of previous episodes, or find them on iTunes or Stitcher to listen to them as podcasts once each show has aired on SCIFI.radio.

The Event Horizon – it’s Sci-fi for your Wi-fi.

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