If you’re a geek, one of the most important things to remember is that we’re all geeks together.  You don’t have to feel like an outsider in the very subculture that you help define.  To remind us of this, Professor Elemental has created a new song, the music video of which was shot in a very large hurry at the Wild West Con at Old Tucson Studios, Arizona.

In the video, look for the following people:

Brian Kessinger, creator of Otto and Victoria The Nathanial Jonestone Band
Steampunk Boba Fett Kato
Brute Force Studios Sarah Hunter
Steam Powered Giraffe Steampunk Green lantern and the Flash
The league of S.T.E.A.M Shay Gilbert
Steampunk Abe Lincoln Dianne Givens
Poplock Holmes The Lady who Got Bustle
Steampunk Wolverine

All In Together appears on the teaSea records double album The Giddy Limit.  You can get it at www.professorelemental.com and the usual internet emporiums.   And of course, you can hear this cut and many others from Professor Elemental here on SCIFI.radio.

We think All In Together should be the new Geek Anthem.  What do you think?


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  • Wild West Convention
  • Old Tucson
  • www.professorelemental.com

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