President Obama and Nichelle Nichols flash the Vulcan greeting.

President Obama and Nichelle Nichols flash the Vulcan greeting.

If there was ever a sign that the geeks are now running things, this is it.  President Obama is America’s first modern nerd President, and a huge Trekkie and loves Superman.

So when Nichelle Nichols, best known for her groundbreaking role as Lt. Uhura in Star Trek, visited the White House for Black History Month last February, she and the President didn’t just get their photo taken together in the Oval Office. They did one in which they gave Vulcan salutes.

While flashing a Vulcan salute in public is neither a first for President Obama nor Mrs. Nichols, flashing one in the Oval Office has to be a first for both a sitting U.S. president and a Star Trek star. Perhaps?

The photo was taken back on February 29, but Nichelle Nichols uploaded it to her Twitter earlier this evening, adding, “A photo came to me in the mail that I’ve kept for myself for over a week, but now it’s time to share it with Trekkers everywhere.” Live long and prosper.

Taken 2/29/12 in the Oval Office [@@RealNichelle]

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