American actor Mike Hagerty has died at the age of 67. Michael G. Hagerty was born May 10, 1954 in Chicago, Illinois. He died April 29, 2022, mere days before what would have been his 68th birthday.
American actor Mike Hagerty has died at the age of 67. Michael G. Hagerty was born May 10, 1954 in Chicago, Illinois. He died April 29, 2022, mere days before what would have been his 68th birthday.
We regret to confirm the death of legendary comic book artist George Pérez of inoperable stage 4 cancer.
Lensless cameras from the Tokyo Institute of Technology could be ultra-miniature, allowing new applications beyond our imagination.
On Tuesday, May 10, 2022, James Hong will be receiving the 2,723rd Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, right in front of Madame Tussaud’s.
In a new Green Lantern animated movie, Green Lantern: Beware My Power, former sniper, John Stewart, becomes a novice Green Lantern.
Now that the sale of Activision to Microsoft has been unanimously approved by its shareholders, it’s getting downright criminal.
I visited India in 2008, and noticed something surprising: the locals usually spoke not a word of English, except one: “Superman”.
Kerry Thornley was the one person in the history of the world who cofounded a religion, wrote a book about Lee Harvey Oswald before the Kennedy assassination, got investigated for it, and posthumously influenced the naming of a planet. He would have been 85 today.
At Star Wars Celebration 2023 it was revealed that The Mandalorian’s story will continue with a Star Wars Mandalorian movie.
Join hosts Gene Turnbow and Susan Fox on April 15, 2023 at 4 pm Pacific Time / 7 pm Eastern when we welcome NASA JPL space scientist and scientific advisor for movies and television, Dr. Kevin Grazier.