September 22 is the shared birthday of Frodo and Bilbo Baggins, and designated by the American Tolkein Society as Hobbit Day.
September 22 is the shared birthday of Frodo and Bilbo Baggins, and designated by the American Tolkein Society as Hobbit Day.
The Schwinger effect predicts that it should be possible to create subatomic particles from nothing but a strong magnetic field.
Well guess what?
The Answer Man Thaddeus Howze, today at Club Chicxulub today in San Francisco, CA, 6:30 PM
What if you could wave your arm and your metaverse avatar could mimic your motion? In Second Life, now you can.
Straczynki launches the #B5onCWin23 hashtag campaign in an effort to save the Babylon 5 reboot at the CW.
‘Three Thousand Years of Longing’ is not your typical genie in a bottle story. Thaddeus Howze reviews.
Scientists have captured the first X-ray of a single atom, combining synchrotron X-rays with scanning tunneling microscopy.
Explore our in-depth review of “Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse” – an enthralling multiverse adventure with a strong character-driven narrative.
Get ready for ‘Taz: Quest for Burger’, a comedic and touching adventure that proves every misfit can be a hero.
Mahal Empire’s ‘Burmuda Island’ – could be worse, could be better. Brandon Long reviews.