39 Years of Star Wars: How the Force is With Me
‘Star Wars’ was released today in 1977 to an unsuspecting world.
Paramount, CBS to Drop ‘Axanar’ Copyright Suit
At a publicity event at Paramount Studios yesterday evening, Star Trek directors JJ Abrams and Justin Lin were being interviewed on stage by Adam Savage of Mythbusters fame about the upcoming Paramount Pictures film, Star Trek: Beyond. The...
Sci-Fi Becomes Real: Universal Translator that Fits in your Ear
You science fiction writers out there, think faster. They’re gaining on us.
Flying Model DeLorean Doesn’t Need Roads
Roads? Where we’re going we don’t NEED – “roads”.
Why Does Yogi Bear Wear A Shirt Collar and Tie?
… but no shirt? The answer to this will surprise you. That collar has had a profound effect on modern animation production.
Happy Birthday, Shawn ‘Obi-Shawn’ Crosby!
Happy Birthday to a true Jedi Knight.
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